UNIVERSAL organic seasoning blend
Organic herbal seasoning powder blend for various dishes.
Natural organic herbal seasoning powder blend suitable for preparing various dishes.
Organic constituents:
- herb of soft fennel;
- herb of anise hyssop;
- herb of common spearmint;
- stems and bulbs of chives;
- hyssop herb;
- herb of common and lemon thyme;
- herb of winter savory;
- fruits of common juniper;
- herb of mugwort;
- herb of common sage;
- flowers of wild chamomile;
- nasturtium flowers;
- herb of common lavender;
- roots of quack-grass;
- leaves of European dewberry;
- coriander herb;
- herb of great plantain;
- herb of field horsetail;
- herb of common dandelion;
- roots of black salsify;
- herb of yellow bedstraw;
- leaves of stinging nettle.
Suggested to use for: various dishes.
Net weight: 15 g.
Grown and manufactured by:
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